Is the world what we think it is

Now we all know that the world is made of chemicals and molecules rocks and water. In my book Farewell to Reality it states a quote from the Matrix “What is reality is it touch, tast, seeing all those things are just electrical signals to the brain.” It then states Plato’s dark cave story “You are stuck in a dark cave and you see shadows of people on the walls are the shadows real peoples shadow so you walk out to look for them but he found nothing.” This represents that are brain are not perfect and we are flawed. Because of this your brain could be sending the wrong signals to your brain so what I’m using to type this and what your using to read this could be wood or even a rock and rocks could be water and water could be metal  Image result for metal" we don’t exactly know. The only we we really know that some stuff is what we think is because we can see the effect things have on them. My question is if water was metal and they boil water at 212  Image result for 212 fahrenheit" fahrenheit then what if metal actually boils at 212 fahrenheit and we just needed a ascues for reality or if we got the data wrong because we are flawed or the world is as it seems we just have to believe in what we believe I am so this is nihilistic and all I have to say is believe in your own religious practices  Image result for religion" but if you don’t know what to believe and want to know the definitive answer then you are probably agnostic like me but if you are Agnostic then you have to know one thing we will probably never know the answers to some questions but me question to you is do you believe that are world is what it truly is or not and what religion do you practices because a true world is different a Christon’s true world God is real but a Atheist’s true world God is a lie but to a Agnostic person like me then you believe we just truly don’t know or if you a Nihilist then you don’t believe in anything you reject religion.

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